This new Audio Visualizer gives you the freedom to customize the color scheme and tweak its amplitude so you are only limited by your own creativity. Let your Razer Chroma-enabled devices rock to your beats with the Audio Visualizer, developed on the latest Razer Chroma SDK 4.8. BlackWidow Chroma sync with Music Discussion in 'Keyboards' started by xxFearfactorxx, Feb 9, 2015. Can I sync my razer chroma keyboard to music? Day Theme 2.1 (Default) Night Theme 2.1. Is there a third party program that allows me to sync music to the lighting of my Razer Blackwidow Chroma? Link to post Share on other sites. Something incorrect with my sport?EDIT: I believe the game's just stuck in fullbright setting. Okay so I'm pártway through Ravenholm, ánd I has been telling one of my close friends how it was unusual that it has been twilight during the vessel chapter, but in RavenhoIm, it's daytimé.But then he mentioned it's intended to become nighttime right now there, and a few other conversations I examined mentioned that you move through Ravenholm at night time.Will be.