But I have no interest in stat'ing up ahead of time five, ten, twenty different types of NPC's for any given game session.To find out who is at the end of my player's upraised fist I want random results and I want them instantly! Fortunately we do not live in 1977 and we have mad gamers who know how to make random generators which we can all use from our desktop, tablet and phone. Save Statblock Load Statblock Printable Block View Image View Markdown. PC Options Reference - Character Generator - Magic Item Generator - Statblock Generator. The Archmage is a level 18 wizard (CR of 12).

It's easiest to work from a point that is close to your objective. Start with the Archmage from the NPC Section of the DMG. Case 2188 for sale near osaka D&D 5e monster and villains are rarely, if ever, built like Characters, and this is actually a very good thing for you.